Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Labour Budget 2014-15 -Count down

Sec 14 (6) of the Mahatma Gandhi NREG Act envisage that the DPC shall prepare in the month of December every year a Labour Budget for the next financial year containing the details of anticipated demand for unskilled manual work in the district and plan for engagement of labourers in the works covered under the Scheme and submit it to the district Panchayat. Para 6.1.3 of the Operational Guidelines for Mahatma Gandhi NREGA 2013(4th Edition) stipulate that  Labour Budgets are to be prepared in accordance with the process prescribed in sections 13 to16 of MGNREGA which is further elaborated in chapter 6 of the Operational Guidelines for Mahatma Gandhi NREGA . Labour Budget means a document which involves assessment of the quantum of work likely to be demanded in the district along with shelf of projects to meet this demand. This matching of demand and supply of work is the process of planning under MGNREGA and this is to be achieved through the preparation of a Labour Budget (LB)
The District Programme Coordinator has to ensure strict adherence to the principles of bottom-up approach from planning to approval of the selected shelf of projects by each of the Gram Sabhas (GSs) in the district. The projects to be taken up as part of the Labour Budget should emerge from an integrated plan for local development with focus on Natural Resource Management especially on a micro watershed basis so that sustainable livelihoods are created
Government of Kerala, as per Circular referred as first paper above has issued detailed Guidelines for the preparation of Labour Budget and Shelf of projects for 2013 14 with the time line for completing the processes involved in it. The suggested time line for preparation of the LB for 2014 15 are as follows: -
Sl No
Before July 27
Meeting of Block level facilitators and training
Before August 3
Formulation of NHG level LB and works
Before August 8
Workers Grama Sabha
Before August 14
Preparation of the Ward level LB and Shelf of Projects by the Ward Level Coordination Committee
August 15
Grama Sabha
Before August 25
The GP approved LB and Shelf of Project to be handed over to BPO
Before September 15
The BPO consolidates the GP Labour Budget  & Shelf of proposal  and submits the Block level LB & Shelf of Projects to the Block Panchayat
Before October 2
The Block Panchayats approves the Block level LB and Shelf of projects and submits to the DPC
Before November 15
The DPC  consolidates the BP Labour Budget  & Shelf of proposal  and submits the District  level LB & Shelf of Projects to the District  Panchayat
Before December 1
The District  Panchayat approves the District  level LB and Shelf of projects
Before December 15
Submission of approved LB and Shelf of projects to the State Mission to place it in the SEGC
December 31
The District  Panchayat approved LB and Shelf of projects submitted to Government of India after data entry in the MIS
Government of India scrutinize the Proposal submitted by Districts
Empowered Committee meetings at the Central level to agree the proposed LB
The agreed LB intimation from Government of India to the State. Subsequently, the State should intimate the revised LB and request the GPs to modify the entered data in the MIS  to suit the agreed LB
April 7
State to intimate the OB and on the basis of the requirement get first tranche of Central share upfront

The Government Circular issued for the preparation of LB for the year 2014 15 is based on the MGNREGA Guidelines of 2013. However, the Circular for 2015 16 need modifications since the Amendment to Sch I & II are notified on 3.1.2014. The Circular for preparation of LB for the year 2015 16 will be issued shortly