Thursday, July 31, 2014

Roadside TREE Plantation under MGNREGA

Plant trees on roadsides of PMGSY,rural roads under MGNREGA
 order dated 11th July 2014

Click here to get detailed report,forms, estimate etc

One of the core objectives of the MGNREGS is, “Providing not  less than onehundred days of unskilled manual work as a guaranteed employment in a financialyear to every household in rural areas as per demand, resulting in creation ofproductive assets of prescribed quality and durability” and Strengthening the
livelihood resource base of the poor”
Afforestation, treeplantation and horticulture in common and forest lands, road margins, canalbunds, tank foreshores and coastal belts duly providing right to us 
Tree is the only asset which grows producingsustainable income to the household every year. Hence the importance to the treeplanting under MGNREGA